KOTF TeleRadio Network, Inc. came into existence out of a need for a more direct and cohesive way to get unfiltered media into the hands of audiences and then be paid fairly for it. What we mean by “unfiltered” is, to be able to tell engaging stories without racism playing a role in the storyline thereby determining whether or not a story sees the light of day. For those of you decrying the use of the word “racism,” do your research on “White Saviorism in Film.” Just a cursory Google search turned up this:
That’s not what the focus is. The focus is moving forward towards getting back to whatever “normal” is and doing so in this lifetime onward. That said…
We built this network to participate in Powernomics as designed by Dr. Claud Anderson. Powernomics is a five-year plan to make Black America a prosperous and empowered race that is self-sufficient and competitive as a group.
Powernomics at a glance
We operate at the Communication and Education levels with bleed-over in Economics and Politics.
KOTF TeleRadio Network, Inc. – home of The UBN – is an original programming television/radio network. Development consists of a standard that comes from the goals of its founder. The network is family-orientated, providing entertainment, educational, and inspirational content through original and acquired programming. This network will focus on content ranging from podcasts, news, entertainment news, sports shows, reality shows, talk shows, music/ variety shows, short films, documentaries, feature films, commercials, and public service announcement content. Production will be handled by Aeonsoul Media & Aeonsoul Pictures by way of Stillwaters Media Lab and qualified professionals working together to produce exclusive projects that they have developed for network broadcast. In addition, we will scout and enable the viewing of content from other professional producers.
Our mission at KOTF TeleRadio Network, Inc. is two-fold. 1 – to help families throughout the diaspora establish family businesses to become financially free and go on to establish generational wealth, and 2 – to maintain the position of The Ecosystem of Resources as the premier media hub for content providers, advertisers, and consumers to exchange goods and services in as a means of advancing the identifiable, candid, and progressive portrayal of the Melanated experience via the mediums of a revenue-circulating marketplace, relationship-building social communities (romantic and business), and The UBN – our flagship internet radio, television and movie networks.
It doesn’t take years to produce excellence. Excellence is already present in the student. It just takes carefully deliberate mentoring and inclusive no-strings-attached opportunity to draw it out of ourselves so that the whole world can benefit from it all…
-Isiko Muhammad El, CEO
The University of HerEmAkhet is a student-centered comprehensive media production university committed to transforming diverse students into excellent media professionals by offering innovative courses and access to The UrbanFire Binge Networks that are responsive to presenting media in a balanced fashion.
The University of HerEmAkhet sees a world where parents can listen to the radio and watch TV with their children and not have to change the channel or selection to protect their children from whatever is playing. We see a world where businesses and content creators work together to fund engaging and entertaining media projects and help inform the world about reputable products and services. A world where content creators aren’t faced with unnecessary red tape hindering their progress to success and where unscrupulous individuals are weeded out of the gatekeeper positions leading to the revenue pipeline with zero tolerance. We see a world where former students are forever willing to extend a helping hand to future graduates and the institutions from which they came. Where the world is a much better place due to good media and good people producing that media for The UrbanFire Binge Networks.
“(Staring into nothing) Everything has always been about the music. Music kept me sane when everything around me got turned upside down and went crazy. Music gave me a voice when I thought nobody could hear me screaming in my heart. Music saved my life because it was the only thing that was pulling me through the dark towards them blue lights…”
-Isiko Muhammad El, CEO
If you attended college or a vocational school for audiovisual production or you just learned some things on your own and you’re looking to make your living in the industry of your college major, let us bring you up to speed to be a UBN Audiovisual Producer. This school was founded by Isiko Muhammad El and this course was specifically created to tell producers in a matter-of-fact way what the obligations are, what the production quality standards are, and what the delivery specifications are of the finished pieces. You will learn exactly what you need to know to successfully produce media for The UBN and get paid for the work when advertisers use your media as the draw for the sale of their product or service.
Not next week. Not tomorrow. Now!
Enroll for the University of HerEmAkhet hybrid or totally online UBN Audiovisual Producer course today! Don’t miss this chance to refocus your future. Start now and have the future you deserve!
The UBN Digital Audiovisual Producer Certification is the way to solve your problem of working somewhere doing anything other than what you love and are invested in through time and education. This course will deliver you to paid work on The UBN’s live broadcast and on-demand radio, television, and film platform. In all honesty, most of us fail to reach those doors to success because we are not “there” yet in our production chops. We are missing the so-called secrets that are in the sauce. You are here because you want to produce good media and make some good money doing it. The opportunity for you to do it is right on the next page that that “Enroll Now” button sends you to. Are you aware that according to a 2013 study conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, only 27 percent of college graduates landed a job closely related to their majors? The University of HerEmAkhet students do not have that problem. We show you exactly what to do, and how, which then creates your career opportunities with The UBN.
KOTF TeleRadio Network, Inc. has found a place in the fabric of the Diaspora community across 48 metropolitan areas in the United States of America and covering 33 TORCs (Target Opportunity Repat Countries) on the African continent. In these markets, less than 25% of Mass Communication students are working in their degree major and have begun unlearning (losing their edge) the skillsets they still have unpaid student loans on. KOTF TeleRadio Network, Inc., in partnership with The UBN, Texas Seminary Christian University, United Hoods of America, Build A Better Hood, and alliances being built with HBCUs has an opportunity for you that will position you to advance the identifiable, candid, and progressive portrayal of the Melanated experience in your own voice and through your own eyes. This opportunity positions you to establish your own family business to become financially free and go on to establish generational wealth. It also provides you with an ecosystem of tools and resources designed to help you along your way to success. Do not misunderstand. This opportunity has nothing to do with what this opportunity can do for you – it positions you to do for yourself and your family while at the same time helping the Diasporic community regain control of then circulate the revenue associated with the images projected of us so that an accurate portrayal can be experienced while helping build wealth in the Diaspora. If you are one of the 25-percenters losing your creative edge because you are working outside what you love, it is not getting any better. In fact, what is happening is the overall unemployment rate for Mass Communication majors is low (5.7%), yet our target student – you – is being discriminated against and is experiencing unemployment rates about 1.5 times higher than everyone else while 54.8% of Communication majors, 41.6% of Journalism majors, 56.1% of Mass Media majors, and 45.7% of Advertising/Public Relations majors are underemployed.
Don’t let these statistics convince you to change your career goals. Isiko Muhammad El built this platform to counter these circumstances. You may be tired of going to school. You may be emotionally drained due to the roller coaster ride named Hope-to-Despair After Applying. But it doesn’t have to be this way…
It doesn’t have to be this way because once you graduate from this school’s programs, the very next day you can go straight to work. This is because once you graduate, you will have everything you need to succeed as a UBN Audiovisual Producer or whatever course you have enrolled in. There are four critical areas the University of HerEmAkhet focuses on:
- Orientation. Meaning, preparing your mind to think about media production a bit differently, and thinking about the industry not by current unrealistic standards but by cold reality.
- Matter-of-fact instruction and carefully deliberate mentoring to bring you up to speed fast.
- Tools of the Craft. No matter what anyone says, the fastest way to employment is by creating opportunities for one’s own self. Our focus here is on arming you with the hardware and software tools of our craft and having you use those tools every single day to sharpen your creative edge and ease the path of media’s appearance out here with all of us as opposed to staying in your head and heart.
- Access to our paid publishing point named The UBN. No red tape. No unscrupulous “missions” and “windshield taste tests.” No discrimination. Just create a good story. Make some good music. And bring it on.
Not next week. Not tomorrow. Now!
Enroll for the University of HerEmAkhet hybrid or online UBN Audiovisual Producer course today! Don’t miss this chance to refocus your future. Start now and have the future you deserve!
The ER (Ecosystem of Resources)
According to D. Steve Boland, the Chief Administrative Officer at Bank of America and a Fortune Magazine author, Black-owned businesses in the USA are growing. As of February 2023, there were 3.12 million of these firms and something else that has grown is the percentage of firms in this group that are Sole Proprietorships. While it is good that African Americans are starting businesses, we must tell the truth about what is happening. More than 99% of these businesses created a JOB for themselves…
Recent census data shows that there are 3.12 million Black-owned businesses in the U. S., generating $206 billion in annual revenue and supporting 3.56 million U.S. jobs.
– D. Steve Boland, the Chief Administrative Officer at Bank of America
Look at the numbers. They are right there. 3.12 million businesses that have created 3.56 million jobs. The average African-American business owner takes home $66,025.64 a year (which, by the way, is an 11.97% pay cut from the $75,000 they took home for the last few years before the pandemic). These same business owners have the desire to transform their businesses into employer firms that provide career opportunities. But how? How can these firms do this when they are all but totally absent from the single most important place they need to be in to be noticed? That is where The UrbanFire Binge Networks, and other media companies like it, come in. These firms cannot afford to be in the single most important place to be in to be noticed. Where is that? They need to be in some network’s traditional media commercial breaks with credible ad campaigns. But they cannot afford it. Look at the numbers. They’re right there in our faces. Is it by design? Or do Black-owned businesses fail to do good business? Why are Black-owned businesses measured by a completely developed business yardstick when, for example, the restaurants in this group are forced to pay retail for food supplies and so to make a profit they have to mark up their offerings from retail making their food more expensive than every other ethnic groups’ same offerings. There are just too many examples of all of this underhandedness. This is precisely why African-Americans have to do for ourselves what clearly nobody is willing to do in the name of fairness and good business. Period. The current system is rife with systemic racism (I know… You say that you don’t have a racist bone in your body. That’s fair. Say whatever you think sounds good. At this point, it’s also about the policies being adhered to that is the culprit of racism…). That system encouraged our founder to build this platform and to make advertising affordable for Black-owned businesses while paying African-American content creators what the mainstream has had the ability to pay the whole time but did not have the desire or decency to actually pay it. And let’s go on and get this out there… Stop acting like the people who say these things out loud are the problem. We’re not the problem. I have been saying this for so long that my face is blue. OK… Look at what Forbes has published (I know… I can’t say it and it be accepted, so here’s some information from a magazine a European-American owns and an accounting software firm founded by two European-Americans…
Intuit QuickBooks recently released a new insights report containing some eye-opening stats about the “Black entrepreneurial experience in America.” It shows that “in addition to the pressures of running a business, Black business owners must navigate racism and biases that threaten their success.”
– Rieva Lesonsky, CEO of GrowBiz Media and SmallBusinessCurrents.com and has been covering small businesses and entrepreneurship for over 30 years, Forbes Magazine author
The candid conversation has to start sometime today. It’s OK to say it… It’s the truth and there’s no lie in it. European-Americans… You have absolutely nothing to fear because your ancestors made sure they built protection of you all into our psyche when they enslaved our ancestors. That’s part of the reason why we deserve reparations. I know… You say all of those people are dead and gone. See… To you all that may be true. But to the African, I am my ancestors going all the way back to the Most High from which I was born and that means my ancestors aren’t dead – here I am right here and as you can see, I am not dead. What your ancestors did to mine, they did it to me, because I am my ancestors. I know… I know… You don’t accept that. And I know why. I get it. You can’t understand that concept. Well. You can, but only when you lay violent claim to the wealth that was begotten off the back and from between the legs of my ancestors when you tell all who will listen that it’s not about hatred, it’s about heritage. You’re right. It was a heritage of hatred – and the cool thing about it is we didn’t write it. We didn’t write a word of your history. Your ancestors did. We didn’t even have to make this shit up! The UBN is moving past the lip service. No pointing accusing fingers. No complaining. No looking for a handout. Let’s not get that twisted… That has nothing to do with reparations which are indeed due us. But that’s a different conversation altogether. No. The UBN is here to provide economic, mass communication, and educational opportunities so that we can not only solve our own problems together but to also maintain ourselves as the excellent networking partner we have consistently been the whole time we’ve been on the planet. But this time, we demand our just due and fair treatment, as well as the redistribution of all that ill-gotten wealth that your dead ancestors passed on to you. We need that redistribution to take place sometime today. What God-fearing, righteous European-American would be opposed to that? Our community is in need of economic resuscitation. The UBN – live broadcast, on-demand, and live pay-to-experience radio, television, and film – also is actively building and expanding the offerings of The ER (The Ecosystem of Resources) to breathe air into the economic lungs of African-American businesses and content creators for circulation.
That is what this school is in existence for.